Sunday, April 5, 2020

Matt's 49th Birthday

For Matt's birthday we watched conference!! His parents came up in-between sessions and dropped off a card.  They stayed in their car and rolled down their window.  We stayed back and visited with them for a half an hour.  It's so hard to not be together.  It's hard not to invite them in and have dinner together.  I made Matt 6 new scrub hats for his birthday.  Then I had the boys pick out which ones they wanted to give him. Matt got a new Uno Attack game since ours finally broke.  I surprised Matt and gave him apple AirPods (the really nice ones).  He was super happy with them.  I made a chocolate bundt cake for Matt. (No rocks this time.  I'll never live that cake down.)
  We're so grateful for all that Matt does for our family.  He's such a hard worker.  He's willing to take on a project.  He's so good to help me vacuum the house.  He does an amazing job of providing for us.