Charlene and Ardell came up to watch Chase's soccer game. So at the last minute, I threw together a little birthday dinner celebration. I ran to the store after the game and bought a cake. Ardell and Charlene came back to the house for dinner and some cake. Tanner opened up his present from Grandpa and Grandma A. He was so excited with the little Paw Patrol figures. It was so cute to watch him open his card with Grandma and have Grandma read it to him. There were lots of pictures of him on the card and he kept saying "that's me!" It ended up being a quick party but it was perfect.
Tanner has been so excited for his birthday. He has a hard time hold up three fingers so Matt taught him to hold up three fingers this way. He holds up his fingers and says "I three." I felt like we squeezed his birthday in between Chase and Bridger's sport activities but Tanner was happy with how the day turned out. I was feeling bad that Tanner doesn't have any buddies and that it was going to be a boring birthday because his brothers were is school all day. Luckily I remembered one of Chase's basketball friends has a little brother a little older than Tanner and they would play really well together at the games. So I texted his mom and she was so sweet about Sy coming with us. I picked him up around 11:00 and then went and picked up happy meals. I drove them to the B. park. They ate their happy meals (Tanner just ate some fries). Then they played at the park for over an hour. They had so much fun together. Tanner was so happy to have a friend to play with. After the park, I took them back to the house to play for another hour. When I picked Chase up for school, I took Sy home afterwards.

Tanner crashed after his playdate with Sy. He was so tired. We gave Tanner a list of options of where to go for his birthday dinner. He chose "Macks" but when we got there he said "where's Max? I don't see him." He thought we were going to Max Cragun's house. It made us laugh. Tanner ate a few fries. It was my first time eating there and it made me miss JCW's!!
After dinner, we came home and Tanner opened his presents. After each present he would say "I wanted this for my birthday!" Matt and I pulled out of the shed the big truck. We washed it up and charged the battery and it was good as new. When we came home, I had the truck on the front lawn. Tanner got out and we told him the truck was a present. He LOVED it!!! He's a crazy driver. He likes to go around in circles in the cul de sac. Bridger was happy to show him how to drive and to be a passenger. Seeing Bridger in the truck makes me realize how much he's grown. It seems like yesterday he was driving around in the truck.
Tanner loved opening all of his presents. He's such a happy little guy.
At the last minute, I threw together some cupcakes. (At first I was thinking, we already had cake on Monday). But I'm glad I did because Tanner loved his cupcake and it made it seem like more of a celebration.

Tanner put too much toilet paper down the toilet. I discovered it right as my laurels were coming over for an activity. So I was plunging the toilet while the girls sat in the family room. Tanner came in and said "put too much paper down. Sorry bout dat!" Then he went up to Matt and said the same thing. It at least made me laugh instead of cry. If Tanner sees somthing that he likes he'll say "I want dat for my birthday." Tanner still loves his blankets. He still likes to have as many as possible with him. Sometimes he'll carry around 3-4 blankets. I tried hiding them in a different drawer or in the closet but he found them. So I'm having to be better about hiding one or two so he doesn't have so many out. He loves to ride his tricycle, scooter, and car. He loves to play with bubbles. He's learning how to put the stick back in the bubble mixture, take it out and then blow. He's learning to color. He likes to bang on the piano and then say "did you hear my beautiful music?" Then he asks for a piano treat because he practiced his piano too just like his big brothers. Tanner is still a really picky eater! He eats white bread (but freaks out if the crust is on it), fruit squeezes, yogurt, peanut butter sandwiches but it has to have honey on it not jam, sugar cereal, crackers, certain chips like Cheetos and Fritos, and he's discovered cheese! He likes string cheeese but his favorite are the little round red cheese called Baybells. He'll get them out of the fridge and unwrap them. Sometimes he'll eat a raw carrot, apple slices and watermelon. His favorite books to read are: Little Critter, Curious George, and any "No David" books. He can put his shoes on by himself but they are normally on the wrong feet. He loves jumping on the trampoline and swinging. Sophie is his buddy while the boys are at school. He likes to throw the ball to Sophie with the ball thrower. He thinks it's s funny game to hide Sophie's balls by throwing them over the fence. He likes to watch Elmo/Sesame Street, any movie with Minions in it, Paw Patrol, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sophie the First, and Doc Mcstuffin. He's learning to play a few games on my iPad. While the older boys play on their devices he plays on my iPad.