Wednesday, October 14, 2015
I've been so excited for fall break. Sweet Allan and Kaye offered their cabin to us over fall break. I ended up just taking Bridger and Tanner up around 4:00. Chase had a basketball game at 9:00 that night so he got a ride to the game with a friend and Mylissa's going to pick him up tomorrow. Unfortunately Matt is stuck at home because he is first call all weekend. I stopped by Allan and Kaye's on the way up and had a great visit with them. We ended up being the first ones to th cabin. Mom and Matilyn showed up next about an hour later. Shan and her girls arrived about 45 minutes after mom. Bridger was so helpful unpacking all the cars. We're just so happy to finally be here.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
I think we were all really tired because we all slept in til 8:30 (even Tanner)! We had a nice lazy morning. The weather is beautiful! I went for a bike ride around 12:30. I headed south on the main road and it was so envigorating! I love biking in Bear Lake!!! As I was heading out, I passed Mylissa. I'm so glad they finally made it up here. She just had too much to do to get away last night. But it worked out perfectly because Matt met Mylissa in Brigham City so Chase could come up. Shan and the kids went on a walk. The kids have played so sweetly together! Tonight after dinner, we watched the movie "Cinderella." It was so fun sitting around together watching the movie and eating treats. Even Tanner stayed up and watched it. He was so good to sit in my lap. Plus he was loving all the treats. Maddie and Chase have turned the basement mud room into their teenage hangout sleeping room. Bridger is sleeping on the bunk bed with me and Tanner.

Tanner loved watching the birds on the front porch! Luckily the weather was beautiful so we spent a lot of time outside watching the birds and looking for animals.
Friday, October 16, 2015
This morning we had yummy sweet rolls and scrambled eggs. Tanner had a rough night so I was pretty tired this morning. He woke up at 4:00 and didn't fall back to sleep until 6:30! Every time I would put him back in his crib, he would cry. Tanner went down for a nap around 11:30 so Mylissa and I headed out the door for a bike ride. We headed out to the North Shore. I love going that way because there is less traffic and the view around the lake is so beautiful. It was around 65* while we were biking which is perfect fall biking weather! It will probably be our last warm fall day because a storm is coming in tomorrow. Around 3:00 we were getting ready to go to the lake when Shan shouted "moose!" So we ran out to the side deck and up on the hill was a bull moose with an incredible rack and a female moose. We sat out on the deck for an hour watching them. It was awesome! Finally around 4:00, we headed down to the lake. The water was a little cold at first but then we got adjusted to it. We had so much fun playing in the water. Tanner LOVED it. His diaper got so soggy that I finally just took it off and let him run around naked. He liked being naked! We ended up staying an hour and a half because we were having so much fun. When we got home, Shan kept driving up the hill and saw a momma and baby moose so we jumped back in our cars and headed up the mountain to see them. When we came back down, there was another moose just down the hill from the cabin. Five moose in one day!!!! We texted Dad and he said "you must be in moosetown!" After dinner we watched the Disney short cartoons. Around 9:30 Robby arrived! Once the younger kids went to bed, Maddy, Chase, and Bridger stayed up with the grownup and watched "Divergent." It's been a great day!
My bike ride to the North shore with Mylissa. I love my bike rides in Bear Lake. I rotate between riding to the south end or the north end. There are things that I like about both sides. The view is always beautiful no matter which way I go. |
I love this sweet picture of Mares and Tanner holding hands. She is so sweet to help us out with the kids. I think it's neat the relationship they have with her.
Luckily we hauled the chairs out with us because it was nice to have something to sit in for Mom and Marilyn. They enjoyed watching the kids play in the water. Even though the water was super cold, the kids didn't mind and they still played in it. Tanner liked to play in the little puddles because they were warmer.
I love this picture of me with my sisters!! I'm so lucky that we're close and get along so well. I love them and can't imagine my life without them!!!
I think this picture is sweet of Shan walking back with her girls. Little Lilly's bum is too cute! We didn't have swim diapers so their diapers got so soggy so we ended up taking them off. They loved the freedom!
I felt so bad that Matt wasn't with us to enjoy the break. Even though Matt's not with us, I love this picture because I can always remember the fun time we had at the lake.
It's all fun and games until you get cold! I think Tanner would be happy to join a nudist colony.
I had just gotten Tanner out of the tub when Shan called and said that they found a moose up above Kaye's cabin so I threw all the boys in the car and we headed up to look at the moose.
On Saturday, Mylissa and I were able to get in our last bike ride. The weather was perfect! It's October and we were in shorts! We rode out to the North shore again.
Mom, Marilyn, Robby and Mylissa went home Sunday afternoon. Shan and I stayed until Monday even though my kids had school on Monday. It was wonderful because we were so lazy on Sunday and then Monday we got up and cleaned everything and headed out by noon.
On Sunday I took my boys for a walk. I love this moment. I captured a sweet moment of the boys holding hands.