Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween
Bridger wanted to be Spiderman again. I think it's his third year being Spiderman. The costume is getting a little snug on him so I told him it was his last year wearing it. He loves the costume! Chase wanted to be a tackle football player. I told him I wasn't going to buy that costume and we couldn't find any neighbors with it. But on Sunday, the Pictures saved us. They said we could borrow their son's football uniform that he used when he was in high school last year. Chase was so excited to wear a real football uniform and pads. It was huge on him but he didn't care.
I spent the day at the school at the boys parties. They have amazing teachers this year. They had a lot of fun at their parties. Bridger had his parade in the morning. His teacher was Batwoman. When he went into Chase's classroom, Bridger went up to Chase and gave him a hug. Bridger came with me to Chase's parade in the afternoon. His teacher was a graduating student.
Matt went trick or treating with the boys. By 6:00 they were ready to go. Bridger took a little break and stayed with me for a while and then went back out. It was hard on his little body keeping up with the big kids. When the boys got home they dumped out all their candy and sorted it out. Chase got 114 pieces of candy. That's a lot of sugar! It was a fun night.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Pumpkin Carving Party
There was a football game on TV Friday night so we decided to make a party out of it. The C's came to our party. We ordered pizza and carved pumpkins. Well at least the women and kids carved pumpkins. The men were too interested in the game. So Shantelle and I carved pumpkins and the kids helped a little. There were pumpkin guts everywhere! Even Aliyah had a pumpkin. She loved carrying around her little pumpkin. It was a fun night. I love having Shan live close. I love hanging out with her!

Saturday, October 15, 2011
Bridger's Soccer Party
Coach Nydeger threw an end of the season soccer party for Bridger' soccer team. Bridger was so excited to get a trophy to celebrate such a great season. They celebrated by eating lots of pizza and playing with each other after the game. The Nydeger's have been incredible coaches. They are so patient with the little kids and they actually teach them how to play soccer. Bridger has improved so much since the first game. He was most excited about getting real soccer cleats. He wants to wear them all the time. It's been so fun to watch him. He loves playing soccer and being like his older brother.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Pumpkin Walk

Bridger's class also celebrated friendship. They made their pumpkins look like monsters. Ms. Cheri's monsters love their preschool friends very "munch." I had to work the day that Ardell and Charlene came down so the next day Shantelle and Aliyah came with me to the pumpkin walk with the boys and we saw their pumpkins.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Chase playing Flag Football
Did I mention that it's been a busy fall. Chase desperately wanted to play tackle football this fall but I told him no way! So instead he settled for flag football. He lucked out because over half of his team were friends from school and the neighborhood. He had a total of 8 games. His coaches would have practice once a week. So between soccer and flag football, Chase has been very busy. But he has loved playing flag football. Every game he had some major plays. There was one game where he scored three touch downs! It's been so fun to watch him. He takes it very seriously. Bridger always brings his own football to Chase's games because he plays his own imaginary game of football on the sidelines. Chase and Bridger spend hours throwing the football back and forth. They make up special "plays" to execute. They're great little athletes.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Senior Academy Champions!
Chase has worked so hard this fall on his soccer. He has really improved his soccer skills. In addition to his senior academy team, he's also on the R's x-league competition team. He is very busy with soccer but he really enjoys it. Raeder is on both of his teams, and Breaker is on his senior academy team which he has loved! He's meet a lot of nice boys. I love seeing Chase come out of his shell. His coaches have been wonderful! They are so positive and do an amazing job of building him. Last year he was switched to a team that didn't win any games so it was a rough year. It's been so rewarding because his senior academy team won the championship game this fall. It was a huge boost to Chase's self esteem. His x-league team has "played up a division" which has made it really difficult for the boys. The coach was worried that if they played boys their same age, they wouldn't learn as much and not have the same competition. So they haven't won many games but they're a really good little team. I think the older boys just have the advantage of size and speed. So after his championship game, he had an x-league game. Everyone was so excited because the team won their game. So the coach took everyone out for shakes after the game. I love the smiles on their faces.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
BYU Football Game
At the last minute, a neighbor gave us 4 tickets to a BYU football game. The game didn't start until 8:00PM. Plus is was supposed to be cold, so I wasn't very excited about it. But we decided it might be our only game of the season that we get to go to so we bundled up and went. We were so worried about being cold that we over dressed. So we were all very comfortable. We never were freezing which was good. We lucked out because some people didn't show up around our seats so we had lots of room to spread out. The boys loved going to the game. Chase is so funny how into football he gets. He's very attentive to all the details. Everyone loved watching the game and eating yummy treats. It was a fun night. By the end of the fourth quarter, Bridger was getting really tired so he snuggled up to me on my lap. He fell asleep in my arms. It's been a long time since he's fallen asleep in my arms. I couldn't believe how big my "baby" has gotten. Time sure does fly by!
Bridger is the Star Student

Bridger was star student the first week in October. He made a poster telling all about himself. His favorite place is Disneyland. He said he wants to be a policeman when he grows up. His favorite thing to do is go to the park, especially with his brother Chase. There was a question that asked if you could have one wish what would it be. Bridger said that he would wish for "the force." At first I didn't understand him, and then I realized that he was talking about "the force" from Star Wars. I totally cracked up. The funniest part was that he was dead serious about it. He had a fun week being star student. He was the teacher's helper and got to be at the front of the line. On Friday, I came to his class and told a few special things about him. He brought Reece's Peanut Butter cups for his treat.
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